
This is it… the new Kia blog
Hi there, fellow Kia owners and enthusiasts!
This is a big and very important day for KIA-WORLD blog! I’m proud and very excited to presentyou the new, upgraded KIA-WORLD!
More than six months hava passed since the very first post was published at the KIA-WORLD blog. Since then, more than 250 official or unofficial informations about Kia Motors found the place on this board, which means the blog is very active and at least one informative post about Kia Motors is published here every day.
The majority of you most probably don’t know that this is already the third version of KIA-WORLD blog. The first edition was founded in May 2007 and was known as Kiaworld. That was also the first insight into a very popular blogging sphere to me.
The second edition was up until today and was very well recognized by Kia enthusiasts and fans. The site became very lively, when Boris, Greg, Diego, Jamyal, Bryan, Patrick, Rattdady, Colby (really enthusiastic Kia fans) and other visitors joined and began actively posting their views and oppinions up here.
And this…this is by far the best, the most comprehensive and very beautiful, third edition of KIA-WORLD. Three months of development are now behind us and here is the result of hard and dedicated work. I hope you like it!
I would like to once again thank our visitors for their interest and support, and hope that you can gain useful information at our KIA-WORLD website.
awsome! I like the look of this one.
Thanks Boris! Please report if you find any kind of troubles up here!
So when or where can we upload pix of our cars, like you said.
You can do it now! Just proceede into the gallery and do it.
Ok I found first bug! There is no link to the gallery! We will work on that soon. But you can still go there. Just click on one of the pics on the right side and you’ll be connected to the gallery!
wait a min. does that mean i cant upload the pix for a while?
Hey, get this. While on one side u have re-done the blog site, we are re-doing our hall in these 2 weeks 😉
yay!!! nice site himi!!! congrats and best wishes again for the future (im opp-lock on css forum if you didnt know hehe)
Boris: You can upload your pics. Just follow the link: http://www.kia-world.net/gallery/index.php
You’ll have to register yourself before posting your pics.
Hi Patrick! I really didn’t know it was you! 🙂
WOW! This is great!
I wont be uploading the pix now. I’d rather upload it in mid-Dec. But I’ll try to upload one pic soon.
it’s very amazing the new design, congratulations himi!
Guys, I’ve posted a “TEASER” shot of my sportage. you’ll soon get he full pic.
I have seen it! It’s beautifull black all terrain beast 🙂
The album name is K-Sport
I have added my Hyundai Accent to the gallery! Did you have any difficulties uploading your pic, Boris?
Well, I didnt exactly intend to post a teaser but my pix were above 1 MB so I just have to make them smaller and then you’ll be able to see them.
I did have some difficulties. but its solved now. it was that most of my pix size was above 1MB. Bt I’ve discovered a really interesting way to lower the size of your pix but still keep the same dimensions. U have to right click on it and then click “EDIT”. It then takes the pic to PAINT. Just use the pencil and make one teeny weeny dot somewhere in the pic and then “SAVE THE CHANGES”. If u then check the pic’s size, you’ll be amazed. One of my pix was 1.34 MB and when I did this “PROCESS” it had become something around 300 KB! I have no idea how it happens but i just discovered it today.
could you show a side view of your Accent himi?
Wow, great job, himi! I can really see that you have worked hard on it. The bugs’ll get ironed out in a jiffy-spiffy! It’s great, a pic of the Kia rig you want to go blog at and just register and viola! We can participate in a nice Kia enthusiast’s website in select blogs and learn and enjoy ’till our hearts content!
The new site is awesome!
It’s Nice site Himi.
In the “Recent Comments” I would rather see what was commented on than what the comment is.
himi!! where are you?? it’s 5:11 AM in your time zone!
Maybe himi’s asleep…I mean really, 5:00AM!! Time to be sound asleep!
was a bit confusing at first but I’m starting to get a hang of this site now. the time is…..
…7:18 AM
By the way, today’s UAE’s national day. 36 years ago from now the UAE was formed.
That’s cool! I am never still asleep at 5 am! EXCEPT ON WEEKENDS……
me too
Greg have you registered to the blog?
You haven’t replied to any of the forums, Boris!
not yet
YOU SHOULD! I HAVE EVEN POSTED SOME POLLS! I could spend hours on those forums!
I voted for sportage
I think I have either 4 or 5 posted. Hold on, I’ll get a link for you.
http://www.kia-world.net/forum//search.php?action=results&sid=6833154a482297d96c35cc5264354722 It shows all of the posts so far!
Uh-oh, it’s waiting for moderation. If you want I can tell you what to do, it’s pretty simple.
thats ok
where’s himi? I’m trying to find him on the forums but he doesnt seem to be there and there is no new post on Kia either.
any way I ve posted polls on the following forums: Picamto, Rio, cee’d, Sportage, Sorento, Borrego and Optima.
himi! are you here.
Hey, I see you worry about me! 🙂
I’m fine, it’s just that I go out at the weekends, see my girlfriend and other friends. That’s why I’m not offtenat the site on Saturdays or Sundays. Right now, I’m going to my girlfriend and will come back tomorrow.
I must admit, I admire your excitement about the new site, which really is very nice. Two of my friends have worked really hard to set it up. Let’s make it now the largest and the best Kia enthusiast site together! 🙂
Bye, till tomorrow!
Sounds great, himi. Enjoy your weekend visits.
I don’t know about you guys, but I don’t think we’re gonna have any trouble making this the best Kia enthusiast website on the net. Enjoy your Sunday’s! Go Seahawks against the Eagles today!
Thanks Bryan! I had a nice weekend, which is now over, so I can fully focus on KIA-WORLD again!:-)
How did you spend your weekend Bryan, Boris, Greg?
yeah it went fine. WE are redoing our hall now. giving it a brown, beige and orange theme.
how long will it take for my new round of Sportage pix to show.
Loving the new site. It is very attractive and stylish.
Hey Colby, thanks. We still have to do some improvements, but looking at the blog design this is it.
Boris: they are “on-line” now. I know it’s a bit extraordinary, you have to wait for the pics. But this is the kind of protection against spam pics (porn and similar). Those pics uploaded must be aproved before they go to the gallery…
himi-thanks for asking. My weekend went fine-I worked all weekend but still found time to watch the Supersonics on NBA League Pass at night when I got home.
This website is gonna be a great spot to go to to keep up on all news Kia, himi, great job. I have spent a good chunk of time coming here during the weekend already-time well spent I might add.
Colby, you work for Kia,don’t you? Do you have to work on Saturdays and Sundays?
I love the new site!! You have done a gret yob, himi! 🙂
Himi- I work EVERY Saturday. You cannot have off in the car biz. But here in Pennsilvania, USA we cannot sign legal documents on a sunday, so we have off every sunday.
Thank you nisha! Welcome to the KIA-WORLD!
Interesting, but the store is not opened all day on Saturday or it is?
so many comments… himi, do you remember the exact date of when you got Kiaworld on the net? If you dont remember, then we can celebrate Kia-World’s 1st successive year on the 1st of MAy.
which we forgot to do… O well…
well, maybe for december then…